Security Considerations with a Remote Workforce

Security Considerations with a Remote Workforce

Like many other businesses, SmartBase quickly shifted to a 100% remote workforce this spring when the pandemic was picking up steam and remains primarily remote at this time. We already had a very extensive work from home policy and were very well prepared to make the...

Re-Opening during Covid-19

States are slowly starting to reopen after months of a stay at home order. There is a buzz of excitement as people are allowed to get outside again after a long, mandatory shutdown of many small and large businesses. As the world starts to reopen, it is critical to be...
Engaging with Clients during Covid-19

Engaging with Clients during Covid-19

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, it’s necessary that store owners are prepared to proactively and properly communicate to customers and the public. In many cities and states, governments have banned gatherings of over 50, and in some cases 10 people....

Get the Most Out of Your E-mail Marketing

  Effective E-mail Marketing Retailers, service providers, and others are constantly trying to balance staying relevant in consumers’ inboxes but not over-saturating them. Although there has been an increase in the ability to market to individuals via text...