Healthcare Data Security And Why it is Important

Healthcare Data Security And Why it is Important

Recent advancements in healthcare technologies have significantly enhanced the patient experience. Portals have revolutionized accessibility to medical information, allowing individuals to access their records and communicate with healthcare providers anytime,...
Vetting Cyber Security Companies

Vetting Cyber Security Companies

There’s no doubt that technology has simpliied the healthcare industry. Electronic records, wearable health tracking devices, robotic surgeon assistants, telehealth, and more have vastly improved patient care and provider eficiency. Unfortunately, the integration of...
The Difference Between HIPAA and HITRUST

The Difference Between HIPAA and HITRUST

When an organization is overwhelmed and underfunded, it may need help to protect sensitive data. In the healthcare industry, information leaks can lead to ethical and legal violations, including noncompliance with federal laws. Outsourcing IT security solutions to a...
HITRUST r2 Certification Benefits

HITRUST r2 Certification Benefits

Finding a trustworthy IT partner is a game-changer, especially for healthcare organizations with limited resources. When you need a company to protect sensitive data from slipping through the cracks, seek one with the gold standard of certifications – the...