6 Ways to Keep Your Data Private

6 Ways to Keep Your Data Private

Having a data breach is a nightmare for any business to experience. The repercussions of not keeping your company’s information secure can be costly, result in lost information, and damage the reputation of your business. Data risks can come from a multitude of areas....
What SmartBase Can Do For You

What SmartBase Can Do For You

Since 2005, SmartBase Solutions has been delivering data solutions and results to a wide variety of clients. From small local businesses to Fortune 500 companies, everyone we help discovers data insights to nurture customer relationships and reach their business...
How To Use Storytelling Marketing

How To Use Storytelling Marketing

Emailing your guests is a great way to keep them involved with your brand, but problems arise if you are continuously sending guests similar messages with bland content. This can cause your emails to be ignored and lead to a decrease in your open and click rates....
Upcoming Data Analytics Events in the Twin Cities

Upcoming Data Analytics Events in the Twin Cities

The Twin Cities have become a hub for awesome data analytics events, in large part due to user groups like Minneanalytics, but also because MN organizations have realized the value of data analytics and are trying to figure out how to make it work for them. A few of...